Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ways of Knowing, and What to Look Forward To Here

This is a quick introduction to talk more about the "epistemological hat trick" thing I said in the text intro.  A hat trick in some sports is where you can do three things in a row, like scoring three goals.  It's a good thing.

I think I should name the three main kinds of knowledge warrants I'll be using now in case later, if I'm afraid I'm not being transparent, I can rapidly point out whether I am claiming to know that from 1. subjective experience as a person from a particular Neurotribe (let me call that nous), or 2. practical know-how I started acquiring in 1987 (technê), or 3. the sort of knowledge researchers and professors and well-read people have because they know a lot about the thing (epistêmê).  Here is a short pdf file in which I explain the latter two Attic Greek words for knowledge a little bit, and what they are good for.  I chose nous for the first one after a lot of thought because although it could be controversial, the most important aspect is that it is my own mind and the way it perceives and processes things (and the potential similarity, we imagine, between your mind or the mind of the person you're asking about) that provides the knowledge warrant making my Autism relevant.

Sometimes people will ask questions and I will not know the answer from any of those knowledge standpoints.  When that happens, I will say I don't know and I will also probably tell you that I know someone who likely knows and I will ask this person and get back to it.  If I don't have any friends or friends of friends who know, I am liable to become obsessed and run a research study.  This will take the longest amount of time but on the bright side, your question contributed to the knowledge base in that event!

Speaking of the knowledge base, I will also be collecting resources and, once I figure out more about how the blog physically works, adding a repository of topical articles and websites and things friends and I have found.  If you know of things that belong here, please feel free to send 'em in (once you notice there is a place for them...).

In other news, nous is a slang term meaning common sense in some places such as the UK, and as a person who has never been accused of having much of that, it is fun for me to use linguistic tricks to seem to attribute it to myself in writing.  Heh.

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