Hi, I'm Ibby. Like Dear Abby with an Eye. Sometimes I answer questions, and sometimes I question answers.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Pronoun Problems (Asides on Self-Loathing and Gender)
This may not be anywhere approaching a verbally speaking
Autistic universal, but I have indeed met many others with this feature, and it
is fresh in my mind because of last night. (This was going to be about one topic but the topic led to other asides, so I added the other topics to the title in parentheses.)
Sometimes, although I think I seem to speak fairly fluently, I call
myself “you.”
This is different from the idiomatic use of “you” as in
“y’all” or “one” to indicate a belief that I have access to everyone else’s
feelings or experience. It is an
accidental usage that happens when I am tired or nervous or upset and it causes
me to make statements I do not agree with, straight up.
Last night, on the radio, which turned out to be a lot of
fun (but I was shockingly nervous about it) I am pretty sure I said something
like this: “You need the right partner [to be able to raise kids].” This is not something I actually
believe, at all, especially since I know that Paula, who was there, is a
fabulously successful single mother, just for one example. What I do know and believe is that I need the right partner, and would not
have undertaken to have children prior to meeting my Layenie. Additionally, the question was about
me, not “you,” “y’all,” or “one.”
And so.
When I was younger, the “you” substitution happened more
frequently, and more catastrophically.
For example, I regularly used to say, in a fight, right before my exit
stage left, some rendition of “you’re crazy.” This is wrong and ableist; and in addition to that, I said
it precisely when I was afraid I was going to “lose it” and must therefore
leave the scene to avoid being viewed engaging in “S.I.B.” etc. I was talking about myself. Back then, I believed my autism to be a kind of mental illness label because it was in the DSM-III. Maybe it is or was, but anyway, irrelevant. To me it was okay for me
to be ableist and homophobic about myself, because in my own mind, I was not a
person, but an alien, so my respect for persons ethics did not apply. (This history probably contributes to why
I am so enormously upset by dehumanizing language and the like, other than the
fact that dehumanizing language and the like is heinous.) Of course, the listener had no way of
knowing I was talking about myself.
For all the world, I had just called her crazy or something equally
offensive and mean, despite the fact that I have never otherwise assented to wrong-treatment
of people with mental illness labels such as using them as if they were a slur, or anything like that. It would happen in this one type of case.
Self-loathing is a horrible thing, was for me, made me think nothing of lashing out in ways I can never agree with when I look at them as my full informed self. I see other people doing this kind of thing and it is heartbreaking so I try to be understanding but it is not always easy but I have to try since I was such a punk.
Self-loathing is a horrible thing, was for me, made me think nothing of lashing out in ways I can never agree with when I look at them as my full informed self. I see other people doing this kind of thing and it is heartbreaking so I try to be understanding but it is not always easy but I have to try since I was such a punk.
If you are reading this, any of you to whom I have done this
sort of thing, and I have not yet apologized to you, please know that I am very
sorry about it, and I hope you now know how much I regret not having been able
to treat you better then. As a kid
I was troubled and looking back I think unkind and sometimes even ghastly, and now I am happy and probably
still sort of annoying, but I do work hard at being decent.
In the nineties, when it was all the rage, I was able to
take advantage of the fad and do a lot of drilling in “I Language,” which
helped a lot with this part of the pronoun problem. But I began to notice it in other people with autism. Even in simple declaratives, such as
Pat telling me I wanted a hot dog.
Of course I did not want a hot dog, as I am vegetarian, but it was easy
and natural for me to understand his language and realize that he was not
trying to prognosticate about my state of hunger in any way.
Still there are pronoun problems receptively that have not
been drilled out, and I do not know how to drill them out, and I will talk
about them here now because people who know me well have encountered this, but
not everyone will have done. Also,
it occurs to me, this might be a problem for others, and if so, it might be a
problem for schoolchildren and thus have bearing on say reading comprehension
When my friends tell me a story with other people in the
story, if there are more than two characters, I may get lost in the pronouns. The proverbial he-said/she-said story
is often literally the best I can follow, and if there’s another he or she in
the mix, I might stop you and say, hang on, will you tell me this again using
everyone’s name and no pronouns?
This might happen even if the story is simple and obvious. I do not know why. It may not help if I know all the
people. It sometimes doesn’t even
help if the sentences start with the correct person’s name! I still can get mixed up, and keep
stopping your story with confused questions about like, wait-wait, so Jeannie
was driving the semi? Hehe no silly, Jeannie is three years old. Pronouns are not my friend.
There is a bright side to this. I will use this platform to talk about the bright side
because it can also bring awareness of a thing that is intersectional and not
everyone may know about. Grin.
Some people do not use the pronouns 'he/him' or 'she/her' to
refer to themselves. For example,
they might prefer the singular 'they/their'. There are also a form of pronoun that goes 'ze/zir' and other neologisms related to this. These exist because of rejecting binary
notions of gender. However, many
times, others do not respect people’s right to choose their own ways to
identify themselves, which disrespect is uncool, or, and I think this is less uncool, but
something I can help with here, they simply are not aware to ask about it,
because not everyone has heard of cutting edge things like rejecting the
When you are like me, and you already know you are going to
mess up pronouns all over the place, you have a lot of internal latitude to ask
over and over, and also, you don’t really mess up people’s personal pronouns
that much because you have a verbal habit of using names whenever possible to
avoid them. Grin. Bright side.
Now I would like to warmly invite other people to share
experiences related to pronoun mixups, with self or kids, if any such
experiences exist. I don’t know
how usual these problems are.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Why Do So Many Autistic People Love Trains?
In honor of National Train Day, which is this coming
Saturday May 11th, the day before Mother’s Day, I’m going to answer one of my most
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
I’m doing this theme now to give everyone a head’s up because National
Train Day is only six years old now and not so well known yet. You don’t want to miss it, because your
local train station probably has wonderful free events going on (click here to see if there are Facebook invites). So this is also a Public Service
Announcement (PSA).
Why do so many
Autistic people love trains?
To answer this question, I can speak from the personal standpoint,
and also as someone who is well educated and knows a great many other Autistic
people who have filled in gaps in my own education.
I have ridden a large number of Amtrak lines and discussed
most others in graphic detail with Autistic colleagues as well as having been a
passenger on large lines in Belgium, Germany, France, England, Canada and
Scotland. As for commuter trains,
I have taken a variety of such in the aforementioned countries, in addition to the
USA, including the debut of MAX in Portland, OR, as well as BART, the Metra and
Metro, the T, the L, and the good old NYC Subway. This list is nowhere near exhaustive, but I still do not want to leave out
the fabulous EuroStar.
One last thing I will tell you here that I have not written
before is that in the 'eighties, I also rode in some boxcars on one of the Union
Pacific lines. I have since found
out that the “Piper” we would have to pay upon arrival at some particular
bridge we never actually came to cross is not a charming colloquial expression
for Conductor on a freight train.
Sorry about that, Union Pacific.
I love you forever.
For all the trains I have ridden, I have watched and
discussed many, many more.
And thus can give you my answer:
We love trains because they are excellent, and also awesome.